I have been using Apple AirTags for some time to follow objects that I could lose or that could be stolen, this technology is comparable to a real GPS, years ago I found that by disassembling them they can be inserted into any object, especially if we move the battery away from the circuit.

Once disassembled it is possible to reconnect the battery wires and hide it even in the wallet, the applications are the most disparate, inside the outboard engine, in the car, in the bicycle, the battery lasts an average of 2 years and locates like a real GPS. to use them you must have an iPhone, but they also exist from Samsung.

to be able to find them, the only tool that can prey on them is the Yorkie Pro firmware v2.10, where the feature of displaying also this type of devices using low latency Bluetooth has been added.

Even Apple with the new version of the Operating System warns you that you have an AirTag that moves with you, so watch out!

New tools are ready on the market: